“Bloom, an Asian concept”, once upon a time known as Simply Noodles, was first developed in 1997, Melbourne, Australia. Our concept encompasses the lessons learned from traditional home cooks and distinguished chefs from across Asia, Canada, and the United States. With this in mind, we labored continuous hours on an Ontario potato farm, we did jumping jacks in Tokyo, ran around the Great Wall of China, rode endless buses in Vietnam, got lost in Malaysia, bought a fake Rolex in Thailand, and in Singapore – we just ate too much. In our travels, our adventures helped us to develop our mission statement, which is “back to basics”. It is an idea to enlighten modern cooking with the foundation of healthy meals, with no fries on the side.
Our menu is a balance between the Ying and Yang; Flavor and Health, we call it Asian Fusion. We simply don’t add chemical tenderizers or taste enhancers. Instead, we use top-quality products and all-natural fresh ingredients. Our menu encompasses the best selections of the Asian Pacific Rim culinary arts, and that’s what keeps our customers coming back aging and again!
“Come, experience, & enjoy! – simply different!